
Dr. Aleksandra Jędryszek-Geisler

psychologist, specialist in crisis intervention
Żoliborz Branch
NEURO Medical Centre
  • Doctorate in Psychology – Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz
  • Psychology – SWPS University in Warsaw
  • Pedagogy – Higher School of Humanities in Elbląg

Adults and children.



  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., Izdebski P., ‘Losses and gains of personal resources and professional burnout on the example of teacher research’, 2019
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., Izdebski P., ‘Teacher personality and professional burnout’, 2019
  • Jurczyk M., Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Level of anxiety and aggression in first-time and recidivist prisoners”, 2017
  • Jurczyk M., Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Professional burnout among teachers in Poland and England”, 2016
  • Jurczyk M., Jędryszek-Geisler A., ‘Professional burnout among social care home staff in Poland and the UK, 2014
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Correlates of professional burnout in teachers in Poland and England”.
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Losses and gains of personal resources and professional burnout in prison officers”
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Report on the 2nd International Day of Polish Education”.
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Biological determinants of aggression”, 2015
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Anxiety of people at risk of social exclusion and their professional activation”, 2014
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Anxiety levels of unemployed people in Poland and the UK” 2014
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Educator in work with maladjusted youth”, 2012
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “When a teacher is tired of work”, 2012
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Aggressive youth”, 2011
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Parental support is important”, 2011
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., ” Difficult time of adolescence”, 2011
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “School in a resocialisation institution”, 2011
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Luggage storage”, 2011
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., ” Biological determinants of addictions”, 2011
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Sometimes a conversation is enough”, 2010
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “On empathy”, 2010
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Balancing the school backlog of pupils from the Youth Cultural Centre”, 2010
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Pupil with dysgraphia”, 2010
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Understanding a difficult pupil”, 2010
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Teenage depression”, 2010
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Predators acting in society”, 2009
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “A difficult pupil”, 2009
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “The ability to empathise”, 2009
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Old age as seen by John Paul II.”, 2008
  • Jędryszek-Geisler A., “Competent man, pedagogical dialogue, media didactics, media education, enculturation, operational competence, hypertext lesson, media pedagogy, media system, laser board, subsidiary education”, 1999