
Preparation of documents: diagnoses, opinions, therapy plans

Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the midst of a big turquoise wave. Like a surfer gliding on the crest of the ocean. You feel the water gently enveloping you, as the sound of the waves calms your mind. Each breath synchronizing with the rhythm of the sea, bringing deep relaxation and serenity. At CM NEURO, we make sure you are always on the same wavelength with your health and well-being. Our rehabilitation services, specialized consultations and therapies are designed to help you regain your balance and tranquility.
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We examine using standardised tools and prepare diagnoses, opinions and individual home therapy plans, as well as expert speech therapist’s opinions for use in court decisions. We prepare documents in Polish and, if necessary, in foreign languages, with sworn translation.


Depression measurement questionnaire - KPD
Temperament Questionnaire - EAS
Goldberg Mental Health Assessment Questionnaire - GHQ
Diagnosis of sensory integration processes - SI
Expert opinion of a speech therapist
Disability certificate
Home therapy plan