Pedagogy – Qualified pedagogical studies at the University of
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
Vocational counselling with activation of the disabled – Academy of Special Education
Children and adolescents with selective mutism (selective), anxiety disorders, stuttering, wetting, habitual constipation.
Polish language
Courses and trainings
Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for children and adolescents at the Centre for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT in Warsaw.
Solution Focused Therapy TSR – Integri TSR first degree course.
Selective Mutism – numerous trainings by Maggie Johnson, Ruth Perednik, Anna Biavanti-Smith, Out of the Box counselling centre, Therapy Tools, Anna Strzelecka, Selective Mutism Reactivation Foundation, PTMW, Maria Bystrzanowska, CTM, “I speak” counselling centre
Kid’s Skills improvement course – I can handle it
Habitual constipation and wetting
Highly sensitive children
Self-harm – how to work with the young person and their environment?
Creative cognitive-behavioural interventions in the treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents
Mindfulness – mindfulness training for student and teacher
TUS for children with autism and Asperger’s syndrome
Self-regulation for professionals
Cognitive-behavioural interventions in working with a child/teenager with ADHD
Problematic sexual behaviour in childhood
Introduction to therapeutic work with children and adolescents in a cognitive approach
How to help a shy child in kindergarten?
Non-fearful anxiety and stress. How to help children and young people cope with emotions, anxiety and stress?
Level I and II course in EEG Biofeedback therapy
Communication disorders – current trends in diagnosis and therapy
Diagnosis of dyscalculia and developmental dyslexia in older schoolchildren
Depressive-anxiety problems in children and adolescents
Mental disorders and illnesses in children and adolescents
Effective methods of working with a child with ADHD
Numerous training courses giving diagnostic certification in the use of psychological tests: Leiter-3, IDS, Battery 5/6, KOZE, WISC-V, Stanford-Binet 5, Tree Test, PEP-R, tests used in vocational counselling and others